At Still Point, we have been blessed with a large number of talented and dedica
ted people who have been attracted to our organization over the years.
While our artists and facilitators often have the spotlight, we’d like to acknowledge someone who play a less visible but no less vital of a role in the organization: Yahaira Landaverry, Still Point’s current Financial Manager. Yahaira has seamlessly stepped in to take over aspects of the daily operations that, frankly, the rest of us do not particularly relish. Since she joined the company in her position about a year ago, she has been instrumental in helping to keep Still Point in working order: managing payroll, taxes and the overall bookkeeping and day to day financial health of the organization. We asked Yahaira to share a bit about how to she came to work with Still Point, and here is her answer:
I met Lisa about 14 years ago, when I started working for the National Federation of Priests’ Councils. The NFPC and Still Point Theatre Collective (among other offices) rented office space in the second floor of a Catholic Church over by Grand and Ogden Ave. The offices later were moved to Downtown Chicago and NFPC started providing administrative support to NOCERCC, a organization that Lisa was working for at the time. We began working together editing a newsletter for NOCERCC. Years after we both had parted our separate ways from each organization, Lisa reached out to me asking if I could do some translating for her; we kept in touch. About one year ago, Lisa reached out to me offering me a position with Still Point as their Financial Manager. At the same time, I had just lost my cases as an interpreter, due to changes in my husband’s work schedule. Needless to say, Lisa’s job offering came out of the blue, and I truly believe it was God sent. Working with Lisa and Still Point has been a huge blessing both in my personal and professional life. I am grateful to God for Lisa’s life and for using her to bless those around her.
From the get-go, I knew the type of organization Still Point is and what it represents. I also knew Lisa from years ago so my decision to work for Still Point was easy. I love how giving and generous Lisa is; and Still Point is a reflection of that. I love the fact that Still Point Theatre Collective works closely with marginalized people, raising awareness of social issues; such as in the newest production, The Demand: Stories of Human Trafficking – relating stories of those who have been pressed and struck down at the hand of evil people. Yet, their survival story is an inspiration and a wake-up call to all of us.
Those of us who know Yahaira know that she is a gentle soul who radiates an air of calm, strength and comfort. In addition to her financial duties, Yahaira is always ready to lend a hand in other ways whenever she can – as in coordinating and setting up the refreshments at our Anniversary celebration in October. We are both fortunate and very grateful to have Yahaira as part of the Still Point family.