Your generous contributions are vital to our organization. Here are some examples of what Still Point can do with your dollars:
Suggested Giving Levels:
Pays the salary for one formerly incarcerated woman to participate in a theatre rehearsal.
Funds one session of the Sage Theatre Workshop for seniors Paul House and Healthcare Center
Purchases props and costumes for a performance of the Ravenswood Players, our resident Imagination Workshop facilitation.
Funds our Persephone Project facilitation for incarcerated women at Cook County Jail for one month.
Covers three actors fees for one charity performance of The True Cost for at-risk audiences.
Your Generosity is apprecieated at any level.

Still Point Theatre Collective
proudly acknowledges its supporters.
Bowen Trust
Chicago Community Trust
Christian Church in Illinois and Wisconsin Reconciliation Program
Corinne Lyon
Delores Troup
Dominican Sisters of Springfield
Horizons Unlimited
Illinois Arts Council
Illinois Humanities Council
J.D. Schramm
Johnson Lambert & Co, LLP
Larry Purcell
Merle Krause
Michael Hyman
Polk Brothers Foundation
Presbytery of Chicago
Richard H. Driehaus Foundation
Seabury Foundation
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
Sisters of Providence Poverty and Justice Fund
Special People in Need
Susan Sarandon Charitable Foundation
Thomas Gyori
Vic Doucette
In Kind Supporters
Ravenswood Presbyterian Church