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None of Us Want to Stand Still

Improving Healthcare for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities



The video comes out of work that continued after the AHRQ funded PATH-PWD (Partnering to Transform Healthcare with People with Disabilities) Conference in 2017. In collaboration with Dr. Sarah Ailey, a Rush professor in the department of Community, Systems, and Mental Health Nursing, Still Point’s Lisa Wagner-Carollo and James Cornolo, led a training and created a performance with self-advocates at the conference. 


Dr. Ailey contacted Ms. Wagner-Carollo after the conference and discussed the idea of the video. They immediately began work on the project, engaging filmmaker Adam Villani as director. 


The video highlights the challenges that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities face in the health care system and presents solutions that have been implemented at Rush University Medical Center and Georgetown University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.  People with intellectual and developmental disabilities and advocates highlight the challenges by sharing stories and experiences, while providers contribute examples of successful solutions. 


The video follows an outline. The outline covers what we know of best practices in acute and transitional care services for persons with intellectual disabilities. We are working on an accompanying manual with examples and more details about how to implement the best practices.  


The film is dedicated to the memory of Laura Callahan-Hazard, who is interviewed in the video and facilitated Still Point’s Ravenswood Players Theatre Troupe from 2013 to 2020.


Please share this video far and wide.



Sarah Ailey

Molly Bathje

Adam Villani

Lisa Wagner-Carollo


Associate Producer

Clearie McCarthy



Adam Villani

Adam Villani Films



Keyler Smith

Adam Villani


Graphics and Text

Jesse Garing



Lisa Wagner-Carollo


In partnership with the WITH Foundation



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